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"Our bodies communicate clearly and specifically, if we are willing to listen"

~Shakti Gawain

Colorado Core Massage

As a Massage Therapist, my focus is Deep Tissue and Sports Massage. I am passionate about helping people overcome injuries and educating them about their body, so that they can get back to enjoying all of the best Colorado and fully living their lives pain free.


Massage therapy can have many physiological and psychological effects. Experience all of the benefits of massage therapy. Reduce muscle tension, improve muscle tone, increased flexibility, reduce anxiety, sleep better and recover from injuries faster.

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Book online or schedule your massage with me over the phone. I'm here to help to ensure that the booking process is simple. Let's get started today, so that you can get back to enjoying your favorite Colorado activities. 

Licensed Massage Therapist
Alyssa Vipond

"I have lived in Colorado for over ten years and have a passion for the Colorado outdoors and living a happy and healthy life. After graduating from the Denver School of Massage Therapy, I started my career in helping people find a pain free life. Working in different medical, wellness centers, and spas from Denver to Boulder, I've treated many types of aches, pains and injuries, helping people find peace in their bodies. 

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